Finding of no significant impact for Imlay Public Water System

The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP), as designated by the US Environmental Protection Agency, is the lead agency for proposed projects funded by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program for the State of Nevada. The DWSRF loan applicant, Pershing County - Imlay Water System (NV0000226), has applied for funding for the construction of a new water tank and the purchase and installation of new well pump motors and replacement of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition computer system.

Imlay is located along Interstate 80, approximately 30 miles southwest of Winnemucca. The Imlay Water System has deficiencies caused by the age of the system and growth of the community. Additionally, state statutes require redundancy to improve the reliability of the system. The new tank will be located alongside an existing 134,000-gallon water tank, in a location that was previously developed with three water tanks prior to the construction of the existing tank in 2008. The dimensions of the new water tank will be similar to the existing water tank. A brief evaluation of alternatives was conducted resulting in no feasible alternatives to the chosen project.

The Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), in Sections NAC 445A.6758 to 445A.67612, inclusive, outlines the environmental review procedures to be followed by the NDEP to be consistent with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. NAC 445A.67583(3)(b) states that a water project that results in more than a minor increase in the capacity of a public water system to develop and treat water is ineligible for a Categorical Exclusion. This project includes the approximate doubling of the system’s water storage volume; however, a significant negative effect on the quality of the environment by this project is unlikely. As such, NDEP intends to issue a Finding of No Significant Impact for the project.

NDEP has reviewed the Environmental Assessment conducted by the project consultant and agrees that impacts to environmental resources or other interests represented by various Federal cross-cutting regulations are not anticipated. The project will be posted on the Nevada State Clearinghouse for comment prior to signing a final commitment of financial assistance. Concurrence from the State Historic Preservation Office will be obtained prior to commencing the construction of the project. Native American entities that may have interest in the general project area will be given an opportunity to provide their comments and feedback. Best management practices will be utilized during construction.

Persons wishing to obtain further information regarding the project should submit their comments no later than August 10, 2023. Comments can be made via email,, or via mail:

Krista Wahnefried, CEM
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Office of Financial Assistance
901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4001, Carson City, NV 89701-5249

A link to NDEP’s public notices can be found at: