Nevada Division of Environmental Protection to host public meeting regarding Anaconda site cleanup

Nevada Division of Environmental Protection to host public meeting on November 19 regarding Anaconda Copper Mine site cleanup project, status update

Mason Valley, NV – With the first phase of the Anaconda Copper Mine closure project well underway, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is hosting a public meeting to share pertinent status updates and progress, groundwater investigation reporting, and contemplated decisions regarding the bottled water program. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 19 from 4pm-6pm at the Yerington High School Practice Gym, 114 Pearl Street.

Since the last public meeting in June 2019, numerous Anaconda site closure activities have commenced and are now in progress, including geotechnical investigations for the heap leach pad reclamation and capping design, and construction of new fluid containment ponds. These initial site activities are the first of three phases proposed to reclaim and close the site. The first phase is set to be complete within the next four years.

Additionally, the draft groundwater investigation report has been completed, combining approximately 15 years of scientific data. The draft report is currently under review by the State of Nevada, the Bureau of Land Management, and Federally Recognized Tribes, and will help inform key decisions moving forward, including the bottled water program.

Anaconda site cleanup construction activities are on track to be complete by 2029, with necessary operation, maintenance, and monitoring activities continuing thereafter. As part of its mission, NDEP remains committed to continuously engaging area community members and stakeholders, every step of the way, throughout the Anaconda site cleanup project.

Information from the last public meeting and a timeline of recent and future site closure activities are available online at

For more information about the Anaconda Copper Mine Site cleanup project, please visit