Nevada agencies partner to protect wildlife habitat in Lander County

The State of Nevada – on behalf of the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) and Nevada Division of State Lands (NDSL) – is excited to announce that a newly acquired 1,500-acre property near Battle Mountain will become Nevada’s 13th Wildlife Management Area. Located off Highway 35, just north of Battle Mountain, the property encompasses a vibrant wetland with both the Rock Creek and Humboldt River flowing through it, creating miles of canals and streams that support a diverse array of wildlife and vegetation.

Formerly known as Licking Ranch, the area will make up a significant portion of the new Argenta Wildlife Management Area (WMA). Under the management of NDOW, the area will continue to provide vital habitat for mule deer, antelope, and other high-priority native species. In addition, more than 90 different bird species have been documented on the property, including rare and sensitive species like willow flycatchers, tundra swans, sandhill cranes, and wild turkey.

"This acquisition is incredibly important to wildlife conservation and serves to benefit all Nevadans,” said Alan Jenne, Administrator for NDOW’s Habitat Division. “The protection and management of these delicate riparian and wetland habitats will ensure benefits for wildlife and citizens for generations to come.”

NDOW sought to acquire the land due to its significant benefit to wildlife. With the help of NDSL, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and a local conservation-minded landowner, the sale of the property to the State of Nevada was recently finalized. The area is already open to the public, who can enjoy views of the abundant wildlife as they make their way through property.

“The Nevada Division of State Lands is excited to have secured this area for NDOW, who will be managing it to protect the vibrant wetlands and the critical species that call it home,” says NDSL Administrator Charlie Donahue. “I thank our partners in helping us reach this benchmark and for continuing Nevada’s efforts to conserve and enhance our shared outdoor spaces.”