Public comment period open for revised Mercury Operating Permit for McEwen Mining

CARSON CITY, NV – The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection – Bureau of Air Pollution Control (BAPC) has entered the public notice period for a revised Phase 2 Mercury Operating Permit to Construct for McEwen Mining, Inc.
The public comment period is from July 25, 2018, to August 24, 2018. 

The BAPC has reviewed the application and has made a preliminary determination to issue a permit for the gold mine, located approximately 30 miles NW of Eureka, Nevada. The tentative permit activities include monitoring, recordkeeping, annual stack testing for mercury emissions, annual emissions reporting, annual mercury co-product reporting, limits of operation and work practice standards, which minimize emissions of mercury to the atmosphere. The proposed project will not cause or contribute to a violation of any federal or State of Nevada air quality standards.

Persons wishing to comment regarding this proposed action should submit their comments to Ryan Clark, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Pollution Control, 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 4001, Carson City, NV 89701.
A link to the Notice of Proposed Action, Director’s Review, and Draft permit can be found at: