States vow to defend their rights under Clean Air Act to protect communities from vehicle pollution

States vow to defend their rights under the Clean Air Act to protect their communities from vehicle pollution
U.S. Climate Alliance co-chairs respond to Administration’s attack on states’ rights

Governors Andrew Cuomo (NY), Jay Inslee (WA) and Gavin Newsom (CA), who serve as co-chairs of the bipartisan United States Climate Alliance, today issued the following statement in response to the Administration’s attempt to revoke the waiver that allows states to set more stringent emissions standards.  On July 9th, members of the U.S. Climate Alliance issued a statement announcing an effort to work together to support a strong national standard through the “Nation’s Clean Car Promise”.  

As co-chairs of the U.S. Climate Alliance – a bipartisan coalition of 25 governors committed to addressing climate change – we strongly oppose today’s announcement by the Administration attempting to revoke the rights we have held for 40 years under the Clean Air Act to protect our residents from vehicle pollution.  This will impact not only California, but also the freedom of all states to choose how they protect their own communities from harmful pollution.   

This action undermines one of the country’s best climate and clean air programs and constitutes an attack on consumers, our environment, and our health.   It will increase air pollution, cost our residents more at the pump, and limit the ability of Alliance states to meet their own emission reduction targets and take crucial climate action.   

We will continue to defend our rights, and call on non-Alliance states, car makers, the health community, and others to work with us to uphold the economic, environmental and public health benefits of cleaner cars.